Technoshamanism meeting in Berlin!!


Schilerpromenade 4 – Berlim [Keller]
19/02 – 2pm to 12pm
20/02 – 2pm to 12 pm
This meeting is organised in collaboration between rede technoshamanism  and TOP eV
During the days 19 and 20 of february/2016 there will be a tecnoshamanism meeting in Berlin! This meeting intends to gather people that are interested in the intersection between DIY technologies and ancestor futuristic knowledge.
By “ancestor futuristic knowledge” we understand the approximation of ancestral knowledge, cosmovisions, alquimy, shamanisms, magic,  free cosmogonies with foresight technologies and possible futurologies.
If rationalism and individualism somehow exhaust a way to produce an ecologically and socially balanced existence, and if the Earth presents emergencies that the anthropocentrism can’t take care of, what can we do to reach other relations of states between human / nature / cosmos?
All this discussion about interspecifcs, subjectivity of matter, anthropocene, and theoretical speculative discussions is something that moves us / touches, or is it just the latest intellectual agenda in international meetings, which soon will sound as obsolete concepts?
You can approach if you feel called by the junction of these terms (techno + shamanism, ancestrality + futurism). You can come to the workshops, discussions and rituals that will be made during the whole weekend in free radio format, with free expression and listening space for many different backgrounds.
Tecnoshamanism has been configured as a cross-border network that gathers people interested in thinking their ideas and everyday actions at the same time they thinking open science,  open technology and open cosmological and ecosophical visions. Putting in doubt the technology development projects also has been an issue; we want above all to rescue the spirit of hacklabs, which in many cases have lost their collaborative and adventurer spirit in favor of an the entrepreneurial culture.
Over these last few years we have made a series of meetings, events, festivals and practical constructions to think/act in relation to all this. We made meetings in Spain, England, Denmark, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil and now we are organizing this meeting in Berlin. Every city/country has its characteristics, its way of dealing with these issues, its singular reading about all these processes and its own conjectures about ancestrality/futurism. So what we leave is always a question, instead of coming with programs and reports …
If tecnoshamanism presents itself as an aesthetic tendency with its rituals, immersive processes, internarratives and live fictionalizations, it also appears as a set of practices that are carried out by its collaborators. In this category come forest garden projects, reconstructing river sources, defence of indigenous areas and populations, renewable energy projects, intranet networks, etc.
It will be a two-days meeting where we will talk about all this. While at the same time we will prepare the collective DIY ritual. The ritual will be made with the participation of the people involved in the meeting.



Acknowledging a critical moment for diverse port authorities worldwide and at a new global juncture—in Berlin, the EU, and many other international ports—this gathering will be focused specifically on reviewing traditional ports, gathering concrete engagements with their inherent and continuing political-logistical promise of connecting people, places, and important matters. With a mandate to re-establish a communal quality of ports, the Global Port Authority will ask: what docking points could in these moving times provide reliable anchorage, refuge, or sanctuary to a globally distributed ecology of commoning initiatives and people anxious for open interplanetary connectivity? What are the criteria, methods, and practices for attaining open ports?

Presentation in transmediale/2016, open ports!!

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With Nicholas Anastasopoulos, Fabiane M. Borges, Ben Vickers, Oliver Lerone Schultz.

Acknowledging a critical moment for diverse port authorities worldwide and at a new global juncture—in Berlin, the EU, and many other international ports—this gathering will be focused specifically on reviewing traditional ports, gathering concrete engagements with their inherent and continuing political-logistical promise of connecting people, places, and important matters. With a mandate to re-establish a communal quality of ports, the Global Port Authority will ask: what docking points could in these moving times provide reliable anchorage, refuge, or sanctuary to a globally distributed ecology of commoning initiatives and people anxious for open interplanetary connectivity? What are the criteria, methods, and practices for attaining open ports?

To listen:

Basically my speech at Transmediale was on three axes that structured the Art in Orbit (exhibition we did in Quito / 2015), and / or things that are interesting me look now … imaginary axis, historical axis and technical axis of Culture ( and counterculture) Space. I brought works by artists / agencies to exemplify these axis as Joanna Griffin – Declaration of Bogotá, Workshop of Extraterrestrial Subjects from Colombia, Quilombo de Alcantara (mocambos network, IP Impossible Policy and MABE Movement of People Affected by the Space Base (and explosion) Brazil, Exa (civilian space agency of the equator), Tupac Katari (Bolivian geostationary satellite), video of Congo astronauts, among other things … so to speak … was fun.

I showed this videos – 1 minute each:



2 images:


Joanna Griffin – Declaration of Bogota

djoanna friffineclaracionbogota_jo_5_3_15

and Exa photos:




Para ler todo – amor adotivo

Por Fabiane M. Borges

_ Sônia! Deixa o Davi ficar comigo. Você vai poder ficar sempre por perto. Eu prometo. Você vai ser a mãe dele para sempre. Ele vai ter duas mães. Eu e você.

_ Eu não quero dar o Davi. Ele é o último.

_ Mas você sabe que ele é especial, que eu posso dar para ele condições dele ir muito longe na vida. Eu quero isso e te prometo isso. Sem você sair da cena.

_ O Davi não está para doação.

_ E se eu te pagar. Quanto você precisa para recomeçar sua vida, e eu poder ficar com a guarda de Davi?

_ O que eu preciso você não pode pagar.

_Quanto você precisa?

_ Eu preciso de muito mais dinheiro do que você tem. E se você me der o dinheiro, eu vou para a justiça pegar ele de volta.

_ Sônia, esse é o assunto mais sério que eu já tive com alguém. É sério. Você está conhecendo minha casa, sabe onde eu moro, conhece meu marido, você sabe que eu posso amar muito o Davi. Você sabe o quanto ele gosta de mim. Eu só vou cuidar dele. Você pode sempre estar com ele. Levar ele para passear ou posar aqui com ele. Eu vou dar assistência total para ele. Só quero que você me deixe viver esse amor adotivo, louco, insandecido. Ele me quer, e você sabe disso.


E NÃO!!! foi o destino. E isso me deixou muito triste!!!

Conversa com o marido em casa:

_Tenta esquecer isso!

_ Sem condições.

_ Você está obsessiva!

_ Estou!

_ O que vamos fazer?

_ Eu vou largar o trabalho.

_ E o aluguel?

_ Você vai dar um jeito!